Our Team

Att. Med. Hüseyin KARATAŞ

Hüseyin Karataş is a founding partner of Karataş Law Firm.

Hüseyin graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 2000 and admitted to Istanbul Bar Association in 2001. He attended postgraduate program at Marmara University Social Sciences Private Law Department between 2000 and 2001. Within the scope of postgraduate studies, he particularly carried out a study with respect to the Financial and Legal Liabilities of Member of Board of Directors of Joint Stock Companies.

Att. Ümit Bircan ADIGÜZEL

Ümit Bircan Adıgüzel is an attorney-at-law at Karataş Law Firm. He joined the firm in 2012.

Att. İdil Serra FİRİDİN

İdil Serra Firidin is one of the lawyers of Karataş Law Office; she joined the office in 2023.

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